Using the ring

It was a big revelation for me. After doing this for 10+ years, I got something in a way I haven't before.

My elbow's been bothering me. It's not an injury so much as a stress? An inflamed tendon? Whatever. It doesn't feel serious.

Not the cause, but I suspected that something that kept the discomfort alive was one boxer's style. This man is incredibly strong. And I can hold mitts for "strong," but he always moves to his left as he throws, which means that his [amazingly powerful] cross hits my right hand straight on, then at a bit of an angle, then more of an angle, then more, and more. It's this combination of power and unusual angle (because I'm a stubborn trainer and won't move) that wasn't working.

So yesterday, here he comes in the rotation. I know that cross is coming, but instead of leaving him room to move, I stood so close to the ropes that he couldn't drift to his left. I'm not even sure if he noticed it, but it worked.

What's the point? Well, this is what boxers do in the ring. Do what they can to dominate a situation. If the person is bigger, stronger, faster, smarter--whatever--you can still "win." You make whatever you can work for you, including the ropes. 

I think about what's possible most often in terms of opportunities, or possibilities. But constraints are just as important. I felt pretty smart, even though you'd think I would have realized this years ago.